Prescription Policy
Timely Pet Medication Refills
Prescriptions are important tools to provide your pet with appropriate medical care. We ask that you abide by the following policy so that you receive the prescriptions your pet needs in a timely fashion.
Please allow at least 48 hours for all refill requests. Plan ahead. Please do not wait until the last minute to call for your refill, as we may not be able to accommodate your request as quickly as your pet needs. It is best to call 7 days in advance of your pet's medication running out for a prescription refill. Some prescriptions are special order medications that require additional time for delivery.
It is your responsibility for knowing when your pet's medications will need to be refilled. To avoid discrepancies in prescriptions, we generally refill prescriptions during office visits. We try to prescribe enough medication until your next appointment. Before your pet's medication runs low, please call us for an appointment.
- Dispensing or prescribing a prescription product requires a VETERINARIAN-CLIENT-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP (VCPR). This means that veterinarians are required to examine your pet and understand your pet's health care needs, as well as have a relationship with you, before medication can be prescribed. Without a valid VCPR, our use of veterinary prescription drugs or the use of any pharmaceutical in a manner that differs from their labeled use is unethical and is illegal under federal law.
- To avoid drug interactions, you must inform us of all medications which have been prescribed for your pet both currently and in the past. Include all over-the-counter medications, as well as all herbal and vitamin supplements, your pet is taking.
- Please give your pet all medications as prescribed. Not giving your pet its medication as prescribed can produce serious health complications. Always let us know if your pet has an unexpected reaction to a medication. New symptoms and/or events may require an appointment. We are unable to accurately diagnose conditions via the phone.
- Many prescriptions require a follow up appointment and examination every 3-6 months.
- Controlled substances are medications that have been declared by federal or state law to be illegal for sale or use, except when dispensed under a physician's or veterinarian's prescription. The basis for control and regulation is the danger of addiction, abuse, physical and mental harm (including death), the trafficking by illegal means, and the dangers from actions of those who have used the substances.
- A signed "CONTROLLED-SUBSTANCE AND NARCOTIC POLICY" is required if narcotic/controlled medications are prescribed for your pet.
- Controlled-substances/narcotic prescriptions for your pet require a follow up appointment and examination every 30-90 days.
- Medications are for the prescribed pet's use only. You should not "share" your pet's medicine.
Choose FDA Approved Veterinary Products for Your Pet's Safety
The FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration) recommends that when there are veterinary products available, they should be used for our patients.
- Each FDA-approved animal drug goes through a rigorous evaluation process, and prior to approval, is clinically tested for safety and effectiveness in the animal species the drug will be used in. In addition, the FDA thoroughly inspects and evaluates the adequacy of the manufacturing process to ensure that the drug's identity, strength, quality, and purity are preserved. The FDA continues to monitor the drug's quality and safety after it is approved.
- The FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) is committed to promoting and protecting animal health by ensuring that safe and effective drugs are available for veterinary use.

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High-Quality Veterinary Medical Care Since 2008
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Conscientious & Comprehensive Exams